andcards is United with Ukraine

Helga Moreno
2 min readMar 2, 2022
  • On February 24th, Russia has launched a full-scale military assault on Ukraine, leading to thousands of casualties, and putting andcards’ customers and staff at risk.
  • andcards team strongly condemns Russia and announces a decision to withdraw from the Russian market.
  • andcards is urging the global coworking community to join in supporting freedom, dignity, and humanity, by boycotting Russia.

GDAŃSK, POLAND. — It’s time to act now.

The values of cooperation, collaboration, and commonwealth have been central to the coworking movement since its conception. These values are now under attack in Ukraine.

Russia is a totalitarian state that invaded an innocent country without a reason. Russia violated the most basic principles of humanity and must be held accountable.

andcards stands united with the people of Ukraine. Today, at the extraordinary meeting of shareholders, andcards decided to join the E.U. and other responsible countries, in supporting Ukraine.

  1. andcards shall donate a significant contribution to support charitable foundations in Ukraine.
  2. andcards shall seize all relationships, contracts, partnerships, and operations with entities that have Russian beneficiaries.
  3. andcards products and services shall not be available in Russia and Belarus.
  4. andcards shall provide relief to coworking space customers in Ukraine.

“andcards was founded on values of responsibility, transparency, and honesty, to support the global coworking movement. Now these values, and the people we care about, are under attack. I speak to the founders and teams of the entire coworking and flex space industry: it’s time to act now, it’s time to put your values to the test. Save lives in Ukraine and stop Russia.”Igor Dzhebyan, co-founder and CEO of andcards

Team andcards is urging all responsible organizations to join us in supporting humanity and holding Russia accountable:

  • Coworking spaces all around the world to save lives by contributing to The Return Alive Foundation. Every dollar counts.
  • WeWork, IWG, and other operators, to boycott Russia by withdrawing from the country. The taxes you pay in Russia fund this war. Meta, Volkswagen, Renault, and thousands of other companies, have already started acting.
  • Software and technology companies to halt sales and terminate subscriptions of Russian customers. Your products facilitate the operation and growth of complicit Russian businesses.
  • Coworking associations to expel members with Russian beneficiaries in solidarity with Ukraine and encourage members to donate and support the innocent people.

andcards operations in other countries, including Ukraine, are unaffected. 24/7 support, onboarding assistance, and product development continue as usual.

We pray for our team members and customers in Ukraine, and will continue to find new ways to contribute to the upholding of our shared values of working together for the greater good.

Original article: andcards blog



Helga Moreno

According to E.L. Doctorow writing is a socially acceptable form of schizophrenia and I seem to be sick on it ;-)